Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving Brings Traditions and Thankfulness...

As the Thanksgiving holiday draws near, Fourth Grade Dragons  reflect on things that they are thankful for and family traditions that pop up during the season...


  1. Hi, my name is Mia.

    Some of my family traditions are: Almost every year, we have at least one person come over to visit. Another Thanksgiving tradition that we have is, of course, TURKEY! Another thing we do is pray. We thank God ( who WE believe in ) for all the things He's given us.

    I'm thankful for my family because ( I mean not just in the house ) they are the best family I'll ever have. I'm also real thankful for my friends. without them, life would be a little more boring. I'm EXTREMELY thankful that I have shelter, food and water. I'm also thankful for my life, my books, being able to draw, and things that entertain me.

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

    1. And we are so thankful for Mia! Hands down, the most amazing thanks-giver in the house.

      Martin (Mia's Dad)

  2. Ms. Holly

    My family celebrates Thanksgiving by gathering at my parents' house. My mom bakes a large turkey while my two sisters and I prepare side dishes such as mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, a sweet potato dish, and many more. We spend the whole morning and afternoon preparing the meal and watching the Thanksgiving Parade on TV. My family members will also bring over homemade pies, deviled eggs, and various beverages. We eat on special china that my parents reserve for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We start our meal with prayers and good thoughts, and we converse for several hours before retiring on the couch or floor due to the excess of food we have consumed. Usually towards the end of the day we will casually watch the football game or play a card game.

    I am truly grateful for all of my family; My parents, my sisters, my two brother-in-laws, my sister-in-law, my niece, my nephew, aunts, uncles, and in-laws...And my dog and gecko! This year I am especially grateful for my husband. He is a patient and hardworking man that brings peace to my life. This year is our first Thanksgiving together and we are traveling to see both his, and my family.

    We wish you all a blessed and joyous time with your families! Happy Holidays, my friends!

  3. We don't like to travel on Thanksgiving so we celebrate at our house. One of our traditions is that we always BBQ our turkey.My Mom soaks the turkey in a special sauce the day before Thanksgiving.My Mom also bakes sweet potatoes with marsh mellows, thats one of my favorites.

    I love my family but it is special when my sister comes to visit.My sister lives in Portland and I don't get to see her very much.This year everybody on my Dad's side of the family is coming to visit.I'm very exited about that because we are all having a little football game in the park across the street from my house.

  4. This year my dad and mom are making turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. There is going to have a party at my house and my grandpa and grandma and lots of my friends are going to be here. We are going to take my dog for a walk. We are going to make chocolate cookies. I am grateful for my mom and dad because they will always help me when there is something wrong. They both always keep me entertained. I am lucky to have parents like mine! From Sandy

  5. For thanksgiving we are having a special dinner with pumpkin pie for dessert. We are not going to have turkey for dinner this year because last year we decided to stop eating turkey for Thanksgiving. No one in my family wanted it anymore. We are also going to the mountains to play in the snow. From Ty

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yep. It's "Free Birds" at our house this year but no pizza. I can't wait to play in the snow with you! Love you, Mom.

  6. We watch TV on Thanksgiving. We eat turkey, bread, eggs, chicken and spaghetti. We talk as a family. I am going to watch a football game. We are going to make crafts and give presents. We also give hugs and say "Happy Thanksgiving". From Ben

  7. Hi my name is Emely .

    My mom does not really believe in Thanksgiving but she thinks of it as getting with family and friends. My family always eat turkey, chicken, and pork. My dad makes pumpkin pie, apple pie, and peach pie. I can't name them all. My mom thinks that it is all about spending time with our family and good food. The way she doesn't believe in it is the Native Americans and pilgrims story.

    I am thankful for my mom for giving me a home and a family and a good home.

  8. From Henry:
    My family has a lot of Thanksgiving traditions, mostly because my parents have different houses. One tradition is that I switch between my dad's and mom's for Thanksgiving. When I am with my mom I go up to Portland to have Thanksgiving with my aunt and my cousins. When we are up in Portland, we eat turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and a lot of pies. When I am at my dad's house for Thanksgiving we have pretty much the same food, but fewer pies. Lately, it's been a tradition to eat raw cranberries, they were super tart!
    I am thankful for my parents because they make me good delicious food. Another reason is that they help me with my homework. Also my dad lets me help make dinner sometimes and my mom taught me how to make really great cookies.

  9. Larkin

    On Thanksgiving first we go to Jim’s parents house. My Mom brings the turkey. My favorite part is pumpkin pie. I eat mashed potatoes as well. afterwards I just go to bed. I am thankful for my brother, my mom and dad, my favorite foods (crab, steak, and mashed potatoes), a warm bed, my mom is a good cook, clothes, and that I am healthy.

  10. Caden

    My family traditions are gathering around the table and we all say what we are thankful for. We eat apple pie and we watch football games. Sometimes me and my uncle play a basketball game.

    I'm grateful for my mom because she is nice. I'm thankful for my mom because she gives me food. My mom takes me to my sports practices. My mom lets me have friends over.

  11. From Natalie:
    They way that I celebrate Thanksgiving is that we eat turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, orange rolls and cranberry sauce. Sometimes we play games, take naps or take walks. All of our family comes to our house. Me and Jacob sit at our own table with fancy drinking glasses that are red and plates that are red also. I always wear a dress that is beautiful.
    The person that I am grateful for is Dale Green because he is in the Navy. He is a part of my family. He is my dad's brother.

  12. Genevieve

    One of the things that I do for thanksgiving is we eat turkey and people come over and we eat more yummy food.

    I am grateful for my cat and my dog because there cute and they love me.

  13. Liam s.
    My family is going to Bend for Thanksgiving.We always go somewhere for Thanksgiving. Mostly Eugene and Astoria. Next year we are planning to go to Seattle, Washington. My dad and me always make the turkey and homemade gravy. But the sad thing is that we don't have any pie or ice cream! We don't have any sweets. We usually play a little football game.

    I'm thankful for my grandma and that pays for all the hotels. She lets us play what ever we want. She is really nice and she also lets us go bowling. I always win. She always buys the turkey and only one time in Astoria that was the only time we got pie and ice cream.

  14. Hi, my name is Hank.

    One tradition my family has on Thanksgiving is to have family friends over to my house from Eugene, Oregon and Portland Oregon . Another tradition my family has is to buy a big turkey and make rosemary rolls shaped like clovers. We eat with the kids at one table and the adults at the other. We have turkey and gravy and rolls as our main course; We have soup for our appetizer and pumpkin pie for our dessert.

    I am grateful for my fourth grade teachers Mark confident and Ellen Werner. I am grateful for Mark because he provides me with a lot of rich information. The main reason I am thankful for Mark is the unit on the five Oregon climates. It is really fun and I am confident about my brochure. I am thankful for Ellen because she teaches me science in the most fun way possible (in my opinion). It is fun because she makes it hands on. She makes stations that we rotate through to show how some landforms are created.

  15. Jacob H.

    We go to my aunt's house and we eat Turkey and we have deviled eggs, mashed potatoes. They have a bigger house than last year now.

    I am grateful for my mom. My mom always cares for me. She cooks for me. I love when she makes a Hot Pocket.

  16. $@wyer
    I'm thankful for my grandmother because she is good at everything! The thing she's best at is baking. My favorite thing she bakes is everything. That is why I'm thankful for my grandma

  17. Maya
    One tradition that my family does for Thanksgiving is go to my grandmothers and my whole family comes too. And we all bake pies and my grandpa plays music. he plays the banjo, guitar, and trumpet.

    p2 . One person that I am grateful for is my grandpa. I am grateful for his music. When I was little, and he started to play his banjo, I would start to jump up and down and start laughing and giggling. That is why I'm grateful for my grandfather.

  18. Jacob S.
    At Thanksgiving we have a gigantic meal. We have jello, cranberry sauce and turkey. We also bake some bread.
    We stay home, we play games like Tic-Tac-Toe and Bingo. And we watch a movies like Charlie Brown, the Thanksgiving one. We thank God ( who we believe in ) for all the things He has done for us.

    My mom is nice. she is kind, she is loving, she is good to play with, she is funny,
    she tries to do her best with me. Sarah, my sister, is nice she like to play tag and watch movies with me to. She is the best sister to me. She likes to help me fix my wii characters when I play on the wii. I am thankful that I have shelter, for my big room and definitely all of my Family.

    I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!
    Jacob S.

  19. Sophia,
    One tradition my family celebrates Thanksgiving is by eating turkey. My mom sets the oven to 350 degrees and puts the turkey in. When it comes out it tastes delicious! Way better than the ones you can get a Albertsons. It's one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving!
    I'm thankful for my dog Dune. When I got him in January, he was just a puppy who liked to eat shoelaces and plastic. Now he's really no different, a over grown dog who has a particular taste for plastic. I am thankful for him because he is my best friend at home.

  20. Mark
    I am grateful for so many things... I am grateful for my son Toby and all the joy he brings to my life. I am grateful for Arlene for being as sweet as candy. I am grateful that I live and work in a wonderful place. I am for all the great kids in my class and the wonderful things they do. I wish all of you a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving with friends and family. Mark

  21. We usually have a "destination" holiday so that it is easier for our family and friends to gather somewhere exciting that most of us have not been to. It makes getting to travel extra special to experience new things with our favorite people. We usually play a lot of games, board games, card games and usually a football and/or soccer game. My sisters usually convince me to go on a run with them and I struggle to keep up (they both run marathons) I am happy to try new food, see new things and to truly "play" with my family and friends. I am grateful to put any daily burdens and dilemma's aside and get to enjoy the people that I don't get to see all of the time.I am thankful for my kids and the amazing community of caring people that surround us, that keep our kids safe and teach them with excitement and compassion. I am thankful for love, family & good food.
    Violeta S.
